
Microsoft edge chromium comparison
Microsoft edge chromium comparison

microsoft edge chromium comparison microsoft edge chromium comparison

One of the most reliable bases for users' browser preference is the speed of the application.

microsoft edge chromium comparison

Google Chrome: Best Web Browser for Windows, Is It Time For a Change? Speed At the time, IE scored 312 which is pretty far from the rest of the browser, according to PC Mag's report. Microsoft Edge falls behind it followed by Safari.ĭuring the downfall of Internet Explorer, other browser alternatives slowly climb the ladder. So far, Chrome has been carrying a compatibility score of 528. CompatibilityĬompatibility is what makes the browsers more appealing to the users through their seamless support to select apps. On top of that, consumers prioritize the speed and compatibility of the app regardless of whether they utilize it on a computer or phone. In the US alone, Chrome belongs to the top five browsers that users prefer to use. It's noteworthy to remember that some of these browsers lack features that Google's browser has. When it comes to popularity, Chrome is regarded to be the most used browser among Edge and Safari. Google Chrome vs Microsoft Edge vs Safari: Which is the Best Browser so Far?

Microsoft edge chromium comparison